Ethereum: How to open bitcoind -daemon using command line in Windows?

Opening Bitcoin-Daemon in windows using command line: Troubleshooting

The Bitcoin.conf file on your local computer, but it seems that the process is facing problems so your system becomes non -reacting and freezing.


When the error message may look like this:


Not accumulated in variants-Max-memory-uage

Error: -Max-memory-use not found.


This indicates that the “-Max-memory-nodra” does not recognize Bitcoind, which identifies the possible problem with configuration or environmental variables.

Step by step solution:

To solve this problem, do the following:

Ethereum: How to open bitcoind -daemon using command line in Windows?

1. Update and update Bitcooint

First of all, make sure your system has the latest Bitcoind version. You can check the updates using the following command:




If there are any possible updates, install them accordingly.


Git Clone && cd Bitcoin

Update configuration file

./configure-WITH-POPENSL =/USR/BIN/Opensl

To produce -J $ (nroc)



2. Create and Bitcoin.conf file




Server =


This will join your local Bitcoin knot.

3. Configure Bitcoind environment variables

Create a new file called Bitcoin.conf with the following content:



Max_memory_usage = 512m


Add this

4. Restart Bitcoind

Restart Bitcoin Daemon to apply the changes:


BITCOOIND-CONFIG = C: \ Users \ Name \ APPDATA \ Interlation \ Bitcoin \ Bitcoin.conf-Max-MEMORY-UUSAGE = 512m


This should be vacuumed using the updated configuration.

Troubleshooting further:

If you are still in experience with these steps, consider the following steps:





Launch Bitcoind using the Windows command line. Remember to regularly update Bitcoind and, if necessary, with the additional performance optimization.

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