Opening Bitcoin-Daemon in windows using command line: Troubleshooting
The Bitcoin.conf file on your local computer, but it seems that the process is facing problems so your system becomes non -reacting and freezing.
When the error message may look like this:
Not accumulated in variants-Max-memory-uage
Error: -Max-memory-use not found.
This indicates that the “-Max-memory-nodra” does not recognize Bitcoind, which identifies the possible problem with configuration or environmental variables.
Step by step solution:
To solve this problem, do the following:
1. Update and update Bitcooint
First of all, make sure your system has the latest Bitcoind version. You can check the updates using the following command:
If there are any possible updates, install them accordingly.
Git Clone && cd Bitcoin
Update configuration file
./configure-WITH-POPENSL =/USR/BIN/Opensl
To produce -J $ (nroc)
2. Create and Bitcoin.conf
Server =
This will join your local Bitcoin knot.
3. Configure Bitcoind environment variables
Create a new file called Bitcoin.conf with the following content:
Max_memory_usage = 512m
Add this
4. Restart Bitcoind
Restart Bitcoin Daemon to apply the changes:
BITCOOIND-CONFIG = C: \ Users \ Name \ APPDATA \ Interlation \ Bitcoin \ Bitcoin.conf-Max-MEMORY-UUSAGE = 512m
This should be vacuumed using the updated configuration.
Troubleshooting further:
If you are still in experience with these steps, consider the following steps:
Launch Bitcoind using the Windows command line. Remember to regularly update Bitcoind and, if necessary, with the additional performance optimization.