Ethereum: my api key is being signaled as having a syntax error on a script I’m using to send to a private transaction on optimism network

Ethereum API Key Syntax Error on Private Transaction

The issue you are experiencing is a syntax error in your JavaScript script that is used to send private transactions on the Optimism Network. The error occurs when the code attempts to access an environment variable rVCbipD-Y1F and encounters non-standard syntax.

Understanding the Error

In your script, const { rVCbipD-Y1F, "private_key is here" } = process.env; is attempting to assign the value of an environment variable rVCbipD-Y1F to two properties: a literal string "private_key is here" and another unknown property named rVCbipD-Y1F. This syntax is not valid JavaScript.

Syntax Error

Node.js, which is used in this script, does not know how to parse the environment variable value as a JavaScript expression. It throws an error when it encounters a non-standard token like - instead of the expected assignment operator =.


To fix this, you need to make sure your code uses standard syntax to access environment variables and properties. Here’s how you can modify your script:

// file:///C:/Users/HP/private-sendtx/sendPrivateTx.mjs:7

const { rVCbipD-Y1F } = process.env; // Use the correct assignment operator '='

Using the standard assignment operator = instead of - as a separator should resolve the syntax error.

Additional Tips

Ethereum: my api key is being signaled as having a syntax error on a script i'm using to send to a private transaction on optimism network

To make your code more robust, consider using environment variables with a specific prefix (such as rVCbipD-Y1F) and separated by underscores (_) for better organization. This will help avoid similar errors in the future.

For example:

// file:///C:/Users/HP/private-sendtx/sendPrivateTx.mjs:7

const { rVCbipD_Y1F, "private_key is here" } = process.env;

By following these steps and ensuring that your code uses standard syntax to access environment variables and properties, you should be able to resolve the syntax error and successfully send private transactions to the Optimism Network.

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