Ethereum: Coinbase maturity of 100 transactions [duplicate]

Ethereum Coin Maturity

The world of cryptocurrencies has seen significant developments recently. The protocol rules of Ethereum, a decentralized platform, have undergone a major overhaul to ensure seamless interaction between users and nodes. An important aspect of this update is the Coinbase maturity for transaction deployment.

To understand what Coinbase maturity entails, let’s dive into the relevant code snippet from the Ethereum protocol definition.

Problem with an existing Coinbase batch

According to the current state of the Ethereum protocol, the constant “CoinbaseMaturity” (COINBASE_MATURITY) has a value of 0. This means that for every input transaction on the network, there must be at least 100 referenced output transactions before it can be considered valid.

Solution: Coinbase Maturity

Ethereum: Coinbase maturity of 100 transactions [duplicate]

Recently, the Ethereum protocol was updated to introduce CoinbaseMaturity (COINBASE_MATURITY) with a value of 100. This change is intended to address existing issues and provide users with more robust security measures.

Essentially, this new maturity value ensures that only one input transaction can point to another Coinbase output transaction. This prevents potential attacks where an attacker could create multiple transactions pointing to the same Coinbase output, causing a cascade of invalid transactions to impact the network.

Impact on Existing Code

The introduction of a “CoinbaseMaturity” value of 100 has a significant impact on existing code that relies on this standard. In particular, developers who use libraries or tools that interact with the Ethereum network will need to ensure compatibility with these changes to avoid bugs and inconsistencies.

In summary, the Coinbase maturity upgrade from 0 to 100 introduces a new security measure to the Ethereum protocol that prevents attacks such as the chain of invalid transactions. As Ethereum platform developers and users adapt to this change, it is important to stay up to date with the latest developments in the ecosystem.


Here is a code snippet that shows how CoinbaseMaturity works:


pragma solidity ^0,8,0;

Contract Coinbase {

mapping (address => uint256) public input hashes;

mapping (uint256 => address) public output hashes;

Function addOutput(address output, uint256 input) public {

if (input hashes[output].length < 100) {

throw new Error(“Invalid input transaction reference”);


inputHashes[output] = inputHashes[output].push(input);




Please note that this is a simplified example and may require changes to adapt to the updated protocol specification.

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