Ethereum: Simple Address check via API

Ethereum Simple Address Review via API

As an Ethereum developer, you are probably familiar with the importance of monitoring transactions in the block chain. One way to achieve this is by using application subscriptions to help you ask the Ethereum network and retrieve information at specific addresses. In this article, we will look at how to use the EtherScan application subscription (formerly called Blockscout) to perform a simple address check.

What is EtherScan API?

EtherScan is an open source Blockchain Explorer, which provides access to various information about Ethereum nodes, events and funds. It is built on the platform and offers a comprehensive application interface for getting an Ethereum network and survey.

Why use the EtherScan application subscription?

Using EtherScan API offers several benefits:

* Real-time information : API provides up-to-date information on events, blocks and other Blockchain events.

* Scalable : API is designed to deal with large requests, making it suitable for large applications.

* Flexibility : You can use the application subscription in different programming languages ​​including node.JS, Python and JavaScript.

Simple address check via EtherScan API

To check if a particular Ethereum address has made events, you have:

  • Register your account with Etherscan or

  • Get API keys (if necessary)

  • Select an application subscription to the end point for your desired use case

Here is an example of a Python code that shows how a simple address check is performed with the EtherScan application connection:


Bring your requests

Def Get_Transactions (Address):

url = f ” = Address} & Apikey = Your_API_KEY”

Answer = Requests.Get (URL)

If response.tatus_code == 200:

RETURN INT (Response.json () [“Result”])


return anyone

Replace_api_Key with a real Etherscan application key


Address = “0x1234567890ABCDEF”

Replace by checking

Transactions_count = Get_Transactions (Address)

Print (f “{address} is {transaction_count} events.”)


In this example, we use the The Requests' Library to send a Get request with the parameters specified to the EtherScan application connection. Then we are a member of the answer to apply for JSON.

Error handling and protection

When requests are made for external application subscriptions, it is necessary to deal with errors and ensure safety. In the example above, we have increased the processing of basic errors using the 'response.status_code and request () return value.

In addition, be sure to replace the actual API key with a valid way to avoid unauthorized access.


Ethereum offers an excellent solution to follow events in the block chain. By utilizing the EtherScan application subscription, you can perform simple address checks and stay up-to-date with the latest information about Ethereum nodes and events. When this article is the starting point, you are well on your way to build solid applications that interact with the Ethereum network.

Other resources

For more information on the use of Etherscan API or other Blockchain topics, please contact the official Etherscan documentation, [Ethereum Developer Guide] ( and the reputable sources such as and coingeorge.

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