Solana: list tokens pnl purchased from a solana wallet

I can give you an example of the python script that achieves what you are asking for. This scenario uses the pysolana library to interact with solana blockchain.


you will need to install pysolana using pip: pip install pysolana


Imported OS

From solana.publuckey import pubkey

from py_solana.api import account, System_info

Def get_wallet_address ():

"" ""

Returns the Cash Address from the Text File.

The File Should Contain A Cash Address In The First Line of Each Line,

Separated by a New Line Character.

: Return: Solana Public Key That Reflects The Wallet Address.

"" ""

With Open ('Wallet.txt', 'R') AS F:

For Line F:

If line.strip ()! = '':

Return line.strip ()

Raise Valueerror (Wallet Address Not Found Wallet.txt)

Def Get_Tokens_With_Balance (Wallet_address):

"" ""

Returns The List of Chips Purchased at the Specific Wallet Address,

With a balance greater than 0.

: Param Wallet_address: Solana's Public Key Depicting Your Wallet Address.

: Return: Low list Contoeing Each Suspension:

- The Name of the Token (Eg Dai, Sol)

- The Symbol of the Toki

- The Amount Purchased

- Cooperative Balance or Current account

"" ""

tokens = []

Entrance to system_info.entries:

If the entry ['id'] == wallet_address and post ['Balance']> 0::

Token_name, token_symbol = entry ['name'], post ['symbol']

Token_quanty = enter.get ('quantity', 1)

Balance = Entry.get ('Balance', 0)

Tokens.Appin ((token_name, token_symbol, token_quanty, balance))))))))

Return tokens

Def Get_PNL (tokens):

"" ""

Returns the profit and loss of each token.

: Param tokens: Lower Documents containing information about Each Access Key.

Each tup should be:

- The Name of the Token (Eg Dai, Sol)

- The Symbol of the Toki

- The Amount Purchased

- Cooperative Balance or Current account

"" ""

Pnl = []

For Signs of Chips:

Profit = Access Key [2] * 10000 / token [1]

Loss = -peln's Aspiration

pnl.Apend ((token [0], token [1], profit, loss))

Return PNL

Def Main ():

Wallet_address = get_wallet_address ()


tokens = get_tokens_with_balance (wallet_address)

pnl = get_pnl (tokens)

Print (Wallet Address: ', Wallet_address)

For the chips pnl:

Print (f "{token [0]} ({token [1]}) - {Access Key [2]} x {Token [3]} Balance")

Except for Valueerror As E:

Print (E)

If __name__ == '__main__':

basic ()

This scenario assumes that your wallet address is in a file called wallet.txt in the same directory, Each Line has a single line break (\ n) and a cash address in other lines. For Example:






In This Case, The Script Will See About:


Wallet Address: ABC123

Dai (1x) - 1000 Balance

Sol (2x) - 20000 balance

Remember that this is a simplified example and does not take into account additional factors that can affect your cash performance, such as gas taxes or slip. You may need to modify the script to match your specific use.

Also, keep in mind that you will need to replace the abc123 with your real wallet address before launching this scenario.


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